Direktlänk till inlägg 19 augusti 2013

Another one dies and Another one begins. yet still Everything remains the same.

Av Martin - 19 augusti 2013 01:28

yet another week has gone by without me really noticing. time is like a flow of water. it keeps going downstream and couldn't care less if you enjoy the ride or not. lately I've feelt like a fish in the water. not the kind of fish that feelshe belong or fit in like the sterotypical fish. just the one that keeps under the surface like the loch ness monster. calmly swiming below the radar without beeing spotted. just swiming around amongst other fishes not beacuse he wants to or needs to, does it anyway beacuse there is nothing else for a silly-below the surface- kind of fish to do. just another creature filling the void in the water. a fish with zero ambition, future plans or motivation. noone can help this kind of fish but him/her self but it's to late. a fish that thinks outside the lake to find a meening for him self but when all comes down to it. doesn't matter if it is a lake, river or even the mighty ocean. without a sparkling mind and a bright future all of that feelike nothing more than a bowl of lonelyness and disapointment. discourage from his fellow fish's progress it swims not as a great fish he was destined to be, but as a shadow of what it might had beacome if it just would put its mind to it. but then again, to late. the agony and anquish seems to increases in number as the prison shinks in seize each day as a memento that it's time grows shorter like the day for each sunrise. soon it's just a matter of time until the oceans of time has ended it's cirkle and the fish with it's last pathetic life keeps asking it self how come it's to late without it realice beafore it was....to.....late


    Kom ihåg mig



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